The animated series Aladdin and the Vessel of Immortality is looking for investors


Russian animation is one of the most promising and fast-growing sectors in the Russian content industry and a leading export product of the Russian content market, as it has significant international success. Approximately half of Russian cartoons go to international distribution in more than 100 countries of the world. Russian animated series collect billions of views on online platforms and successfully go on television.

Aladdin, Modern, fairy tale, adults, children, Алладин, Современная, сказка, взрослых, детейAnimated series / film

Aladdin and the vessel of immortality

(working title)

We invite investors to the production of the animated film Aladdin and the vessel of immortality. Russian working title  Blah-blah-din and the vessel of immortality. This is a modern fairy tale for children and adults. This story can be realized as an animated series, as well as a full-length animated film.

Logline: The student gets a strange vessel in his hands and he finds himself in another world in which an evil spirit wants to take his soul. But the young man meets the girl who saves him.

This is a modern fairy tale that begins in Moscow and continues in any Asian country or region of Russia that has interesting ancient architecture. Part of the film has to be filmed in the desert and in an eastern city with ancient architecture, or we can create even more unusual architecture using CGI. Possible options for creating a film: animated feature film, animated film, full-length version and series.

We keep the details of the original plot and the way the movie is staged in secret and are ready to discuss only with real partners.

Genre: Sci-Fi / Fantasy / Modern fairy tale / 6 +
Status: Pre-production
We plan to shoot:
1. Series:  26×6`30″, UHD / FHD, Aspect Ratio:16:9, 25fps, Color, Sound mix: stereo.
2. Full-length cartoon: 90`, 4K, 24fps, Color, Sound mix: 5.1
Looking for Domestic Coproduction/Distribution/World Sales/International Coproduction/TV Broadcaster/New Media/Terrestrial TV/Satellite TV/Other.

Features of animated production in Russia.

In order to get decent dividends, the investor must understand that investing in an animated series must be long-term.

Investing in Russian animation is much more profitable than producing animation in any other country. Because in Russia, with very low budgets, you can shoot films and animations of a very high level.

For example, the average production budget for one episode of The Simpsons animated series is $ 1.8 million. The average production budget for one episode of the Russian animated series is $ 0.2 million, including the production and marketing budget.

Nevertheless, Russian animation conquers the world. And at a cost 10 times lower than in Europe and America, Russian animation enjoys international success. Half of Russian cartoons are sent to the international market in more than 100 countries of the world. Russian animated series collect billions of views on online platforms and successfully go on television.

Russia is rich in talents capable of generating original ideas and creating interesting and unusual content. This gives great chances to receive worldwide recognition and great financial dividends.

TV channels and online platforms are experiencing an acute shortage of premium content. There are more online platforms and television channels than the amount of content produced annually. To reduce the lack of content, some television channels and online platforms have to create content themselves and collaborate with independent producers. Animation plays a special role in this area because very little animation is created. 20-30 times less than movies and TV shows. And we can earn satisfying the needs of the market for content.

Viewers usually watch a movie once. But viewers can watch the same cartoon many times, and children – endlessly. In addition, parents are interested in having their children watch good cartoons and provide parents with the opportunity to do their own thing. And in Russian animation there is usually a teaching component. Therefore, parents are interested in having children watch Russian cartoons. This creates a permanent and stable source of income for animation studios.

When a child sees, for example, a toy or a T-shirt or a drink depicting a favorite animated character, he pronounces the magic word “give”. Nothing is sorry for the children, and parents buy everything that their child wants. This creates revenue for animation studios and product manufacturers who buy licenses for using cartoon characters to promote their products.

Animation production “adapted to survival.” The quarantine did not affect the production process in any way, since the employees of the animation studio can work remotely. Moreover, according to press reports, it became known that the animators helped colleagues from the film industry who were unemployed during quarantine. Therefore, investment in animation is safe.

Offer to investor

The total cost of production and marketing of this animated film is $ 10 million. However, animation projects may receive government support. And we can get it.

Therefore, the first investor can invest a minimum contribution amount of $ 100 thousand. Terms are negotiated. Further, the offer may be closed.

If you are interested in cooperating with us, we offer to discuss in confidence.

Company Description

Film and animation production, media.

We invite investors to our projects:

Work in progress:

Animated series Sunbeam & Ladybug

The comedy System X is getting ready for release in 2021.


We invite investors to the comedy series System-X. Ice Age

We invite investors to the production of the animated series Aladdin

Our media

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9 comments to “The animated series Aladdin and the Vessel of Immortality is looking for investors”
9 comments to “The animated series Aladdin and the Vessel of Immortality is looking for investors”
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