The animated series Sunbeam & Ladybag was chosen by Roskino to participate in the Key Bayers event (KBE2020). The best Russian films and animations with international potential are presented at the film market. Films and animations will be shown to key overseas buyers.
Animation studio Russvet presented 1st part of the animated series Sunbeam & Ladybag with English subtitles, still a draft sounddesign and music. You can watch it in the section Animated Series – Work In Progress (WIP), and the cartoon will also be shown in the sections of trailers and showreels.
Foreign buyers will have the opportunity to watch the cartoon and participate in negotiations with us from June 8 to 11, 2020.
Registration link for buyers
Watch the first episode of the Sunbeam & Ladybag animated series with English subtitles
We would like to draw your attantion to the fact, that premier screenings and work in progress slotare 100% exclusive and you won`t be able to find them on the portal after they are over (this doesn`t refer to the panel discussions and pitching), and please note the projects catalog section containes only tralers.
More information about the series Sunbeam & Ladybag